Sunday, April 22, 2012

April 15, 2012

Dear family, Wow that's so crazy that Frank is already heading out to Armenia! It seems to me that he just headed to the mtc a couple of weeks ago. He sounds like he's very excited, I'm very excited for him. Everyone in those pictures that you sent me look so much more grown up than they did when I left out here on my mission. That's really cool and really saddening and the same time. I don't have little brothers and sisters any more, and that kind of makes me sad. I'm happy to hear that you all had a such a good week, even though it wasn't quite as exciting as last week. This week has been pretty nuts, a lot of things going on. Transfers are coming up this week, we'll probably find out tomorrow where we're going which is making me sad. President Boswell has been making a lot of hints towards me leaving Tallinn and I really don't want to leave Tallinn. But we'll see. We're getting four new Russian missionaries this transfer and five next transfer so these transfers are probably going to be pretty crazy. This last week we had a lot going on. On Tuesday we went to Narva to have our zone training which went very well. Yes we as zone leaders arrange all of the zone trainings and decide where when and what. We talked about consecration, because we recently read a talk that President Boswell shared with the zone leaders that we wanted to share with all the missionaries in our zone. I think I'll just send you the talk because it was really good, it has to do with missionary work but I think that it can be applied into all aspects of life. It really changed my outlook on the law of consecration and really helped me see how I can be the best missionary that I can possibly be, especially with time winding down. On Wednesday Elder Mickelson and I went down to Riga for Zone Leaders' council. I have officially gone to an entire year of zone leaders' councils. That' really crazy. It's already been basically a year since I've been called to be a zone leader, I feel like an old fart. Yesterday we went to Narva for the second time this week haha, we had to take a missionary there that is getting transfered to Narva. (they wanted to send him early because he's going to be training in an area that he's never served in and he's going to be training, so they wanted to send him there a little bit early so he could used to the area a little). We also wanted to go there to have a sit down meeting with one of the members about her granddaughter getting baptized. She just turned 8 a few months ago, but things have just been moving really slowly, so we had a talk with her about how we can speed the process up so that the girl can get baptized. It was a really good meeting, I think that things will really start moving along. I'm really enjoying missionary work. It's a lot of fun. I hope that you all have a great week. Thanks for all that you do, and all of the support that you give me. I'm excited to hear how your next week goes, and how Frank's first few days in the field go. -Старейшина Пак I'll make sure to find out about the Russian hats by the way. Do you have any suggestions on suveniers that I could get. I really have no idea. If there's anything specific that you want just let me know. -Elder Pack

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