Dear Family,
Wow that is super awesome news! I'm so happy that Frank decided to go on his mission; he'll never regret it :). I'm glad to hear that everyone else is doing so well too, but it is too bad that the Christmas tree died. That's ok though, the specialness of Christmas isn't in the tree. You'll have to let me know how Christmas is I'm really excited to hear about everything, Christmas really is the best time of year.
This week I wanted to share a little Christmas miracle. Maybe to you it won't seem to big but I thought it was pretty cool. A couple days ago my companion and I were waiting for a member who was coming down into our area to help us on a lesson. While we were waiting a lady passed us and I started to talk to her. I started talking about Christmas and she just really happy. I was able to ask her a couple questions about why she likes Christmas and if we could stop by to give her a Christmas message. She very happily consented and agreed to have us over this upcoming week. I can really see the way that the Christmas holidays really soften people's hearts and spirits. I make sure to let you know how that lesson goes. We also had a cool miracle this last week that I would like to tell you about. About a month ago a lady walked up to me on a bus and asked for a Book of Mormon because her house had burned down and it had burned with the fire. I gave her a Book of Mormon and she gave me her phone number. I tried her a couple times but it never worked out so she kind of got put away in my planner and I forgot to keep calling her. So last Monday I gave her a call and she was like "yeah I would love to meet today". We met up with her at the church with one of our super solid members. It turns out that she reads the Book of Mormon every single night and knows that it's true. It was so awesome. We invited her to be baptized about 1 second after she told us that. She agreed and now she has a baptismal date for the 14th of January. I love missionary work it is so much fun. Oh yeah another miracle that happened this week is that I'm still in Latvia!!! woohoo I love Riga it makes me very happy. Sadly I'm no longer with Elder Froelich, but I have a super awesome new companion named Elder Stucki. He's super cool he's from the east coast.
So yeah details about calling! This year will be just like last year. You'll call me so I'll give you my phone number, it will be on Christmas morning (where you live) just like last time. This year you will call me at 9:00 am (your time) that will be 6:00 pm where I am. I'm very excited to talk to you, it's always very enjoyable. I hope that you have a great Christmas week! I'm excited to hear about it on Sunday.
-Elder Pack
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