Hey! I'm glad to hear that things are good. That's awesome that Alycia had her sixteenth birthday this week, my lil' sis is all grown up :*(. I'm really happy though. That's so cool. She'll probably be a lot better of a driver than I ever was. Thanks for sharing that verse with me in Alma it is a very uplifting and inspiring verse. I know that the scriptures were written just for us, and I know that God can comfort and lift us with scripture. We just have to be the ones to take the time and sit down and read them. I know that there are some hard things going on right now, but everything will be ok :). To answer your questions about Elder Froelich; yes, we were in the same district together in the mtc, but ever since we've gotten to the field we haven't really served around each other. He's super awesome! He's from Virginia. It is pretty crazy. I've been really lucky to be with companions that are really cool my whole entire mission. I think it's because I got called to a really awesome mission and there is just no one here that I don't like.
This week was a really good one. Elder Froelich and I have been having a ton of fun working together as zone leaders. This last week we've been in the process of changing the English program here in Latvia so that took quite a bit of our time. But we still had some really good time for missionary work, and some really cool things happened. One of the cool things that happened this last week happened while we were teaching the husband of a less active member. He had read the beggining of the Book of Mormon and he really liked it, he told us that he's way excited to read more, he also brought over his daughter from his former wife, and she ended up being way interested in the message that we're sharing as well. That family is so super awesome. It's really incredible to me how much my love for people can grow as I get to know them, and as I try to help them come unto Christ.
Please remember that I always remember you and pray about you. Thanks so much for all that you do for me, and I hope you have a great week. When ever it gets tempting to get down just remember how many incredible blessing the Lord has given us, and how he wants us to be happy. I know that God loves our family and I know that he'll bless us.
-Elder Pack
Elder Thomas, Elder LaCroix, and Elder Pack
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